Notice of Data Breach

Notice of Data Breach
Posted on 06/07/2024

On June 14, 2021, and again on December 18, 2023, as part of a review being conducted by a Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services' working group established to analyze data quality issues and identify opportunities to improve the identification of Indigenous children and youth within the Child
Protection Information Network system. Files were shared with approximately six individuals of the following organizations as part of the review - the Association of Native Child and Family Services Agencies of Ontario, the Ontario Association of Children's Aid Societies, and the Chiefs of Ontario that, inadvertently, contained your personal information. For persons impacted by the breach, personal information disclosed included their Indigenous registration number (i.e .: Registration number under the Indian Act; Metis Citizenship Number or Inuit Registration number).

The Ministry has requested the files that were received in error be deleted by the recipients listed above. The Ministry has received confirmation from all recipients. We would like to assure you that we take every effort to safeguard the privacy and confidentiality of all personal information within our custody and control. We provide ongoing training and will be reviewing
our practices and procedures to prevent similar breaches in the future.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Whitney Blundell at (416) 268-1119 or [email protected] .

You also have the option to make a complaint concerning this incident to the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario

https://www.ipc.on .ca/privacyindividuals/

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